
Thursday, March 18, 2010

America's Economic Future - A Comment

Those familiar with this blog know that I believe (based off of my overall analysis) that our current purported economic recovery is not sustainable.

As I have indicated in previous writings, we as a nation need to be more "strategic" in nature if we are to attain true Sustainable Prosperity.

One critical question that we should be asking, from a strategic standpoint, is what is the value of a recovery if it is not sustainable? The answer is that there is very little if any value to such a recovery. In fact, a very strong case can be made that there will be strong negative repercussions stemming from such an unsustainable recovery.

Another issue, from a strategic standpoint, is one of opportunity cost. The opportunity cost of attaining a recovery that subsequently fails vs. a true sustainable recovery is enormous. This is especially true in our current economic environment where many factors such as the national debt are at truly ominous levels.

SPX at 1165.42 as this post is written

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