
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Value Of The Dollar - Since 1913

In the November 25, 2009 post I commented upon how Ron Paul has repeatedly mentioned that the dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power since the founding of The Federal Reserve in 1913.

This fact lacks recognition, as does its implications and consequences.

Recently I came across a feature on the Minneapolis Federal Reserve site titled "What is a dollar worth?"  This calculator is based upon CPI.

For instance, a couple of examples, with inputs in light blue and the output in dark blue:

"If in 1913 I bought goods or services for $1.00, then in 2010, the same goods or services would cost $22.19."

as well:

"If in 1980 I bought goods or services for $1.00, then in 2010, the same goods or services would cost $2.67."

SPX at 1146.24 as this post is written

1 comment:

  1. The Value of the dollar has eroded greatly since the 1970's. It has been on a continual downward slope, regardless of the fact that you may purchase electronics at lower prices the big ticket items (housing, health care, education, etc) are far more expensive today than in the 1970's
