
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Standard & Poors S&P500 Earnings Estimates For 2011 & 2012

As many are aware, Standard & Poors publishes earnings estimates for the S&P500.  My previous post concerning their estimates can be found at the September 17 and May 30 posts)

Currently, their estimates for 2011 add to the following:

-From a “bottom up” perspective, operating earnings of $94.79/share

-From a “top down” perspective, operating earnings of $88.46/share

-From a “top down” perspective, “as reported” earnings of $86.84/share

Currently, their estimates for 2012 add to the following:

-From a “bottom up” perspective, operating earnings of (N.A.)

-From a “top down” perspective, operating earnings of $93.32/share

-From a “top down” perspective, “as reported” earnings of $90.01/share

As seen in previous posts, there seems to be an overall consensus that 2011 S&P500 operating earnings will be in the $90-$95/share range.

I post various economic forecasts because I believe they should be carefully monitored.  However, as those familiar with this blog are aware, I do not agree with many of the consensus estimates and much of the commentary in these forecast surveys.
A Special Note concerning our economic situation is found here
SPX at 1259.78 as this post is written

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