
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The State of the Union Address - Notable Excerpts

I found last night’s State of the Union Address to contain many noteworthy comments.  While I could comment extensively on many parts of the speech, for now I will indicate excerpts that I found most relevant, and may comment upon them at a future point.  I am highlighting these excerpts for many reasons; it should be noted that I do not necessarily agree with all of them.

Here are the excerpts I found most relevant, in the order they occurred in the speech:

"At stake is whether new jobs and industries take root in this country, or somewhere else. It’s whether the hard work and industry of our people is rewarded. It’s whether we sustain the leadership that has made America not just a place on a map, but a light to the world."


"We measure progress by the success of our people. By the jobs they can find and the quality of life those jobs offer."


"The steps we’ve taken over the last two years may have broken the back of this recession – but to win the future, we’ll need to take on challenges that have been decades in the making."


"Sustaining the American Dream has never been about standing pat. It has required each generation to sacrifice, and struggle, and meet the demands of a new age."


"That’s what Americans have done for over two hundred years: reinvented ourselves."


"Meanwhile, when our own engineers graded our nation’s infrastructure, they gave us a “D.”"


"Now, the final step – a critical step – in winning the future is to make sure we aren’t buried under a mountain of debt."


"But now that the worst of the recession is over, we have to confront the fact that our government spends more than it takes in. That is not sustainable.  Every day, families sacrifice to live within their means. They deserve a government that does the same."


"We shouldn’t just give our people a government that’s more affordable. We should give them a government that’s more competent and efficient. We cannot win the future with a government of the past."


"A 21st century government that’s open and competent. A government that lives within its means. An economy that’s driven by new skills and ideas. Our success in this new and changing world will require reform, responsibility, and innovation. It will also require us to approach that world with a new level of engagement in our foreign affairs."


"We may have differences in policy, but we all believe in the rights enshrined in our Constitution. We may have different opinions, but we believe in the same promise that says this is a place where you can make it if you try. We may have different backgrounds, but we believe in the same dream that says this is a country where anything’s possible. No matter who you are. No matter where you come from."


"The idea of America endures. Our destiny remains our choice. And tonight, more than two centuries later, it is because of our people that our future is hopeful, our journey goes forward, and the state of our union is strong."

A Special Note concerning our economic situation is found here
SPX at 1291.18 as this post is written

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