
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

U.S. Real Mean Household Income Growth Chart 1967-2010

In the September 20, 2010 post ("Real Median Household Income & Poverty Measures") I highlighted the lack of significant long-term growth in Real Median Household Income.

As I stated in that post:
…Real Median Household Income has experienced anemic growth for decades.
Doug Short, in his September 13 blog post titled “U.S. Household Incomes:  A 43-Year Perspective,” has a variety of charts and commentary on various facets of Household Income distributions and growth.

One chart, seen below, seems particularly interesting.  It is a depiction of Real Mean Household Income Cumulative Growth By Quintile and Top 5%, from 1967 to 2010:

(click on chart to enlarge image)


The Special Note summarizes my overall thoughts about our economic situation

SPX at 1181.05 as this post is written

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