
Friday, July 12, 2013

St. Louis Financial Stress Index – July 11, 2013 Update

On March 28, 2011 I wrote a post ("The STLFSI") about the  St. Louis Fed’s Financial Stress Index (STLFSI) which is supposed to measure stress in the financial system.  For reference purposes, the most recent chart is seen below.  This chart was last updated on July 11, incorporating data from December 31,1993 to July 5, 2013, on a weekly basis.  The July 5, 2013 value is -.236:

(click on chart to enlarge image)

STLFSI_7-11-13 -.236


Here is the STLFSI chart from a 1-year perspective:

STLFSI_7-11-13 -.236 1-year
Data Source: FRED, Federal Reserve Economic Data, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; accessed July 12, 2013:


I post various indicators and indices because I believe they should be carefully monitored.  However, as those familiar with this blog are aware, I do not necessarily agree with what they depict or imply.


The Special Note summarizes my overall thoughts about our economic situation

SPX at 1675.02 as this post is written

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