
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4 Gallup Poll Results On Economic Confidence – Notable Excerpts

On February 4, 2014 Gallup released the poll results titled “U.S. Economic Confidence Continued to Improve in January.”  The subtitle is “Index improves for third consecutive month.”
Notable excerpts include:
Gallup's Economic Confidence Index improved slightly for the month of January, climbing to -16 from -19 in December. Although a disheartening jobs report and steep stock market losses negatively affected Americans' confidence in the short term, Americans' economic confidence improved for the third month in a row after dipping to -35 during the federal government shutdown in October.
The Gallup Economic Confidence Index is the average of two components: Americans' views on the current economic situation and their economic outlook. The current economic conditions component of the index averaged -18 in January, based on 18% rating the economy as excellent or good versus 36% rating it poor. The economic outlook component was -13 in January, with 41% of Americans saying the economy is getting better and 54% saying it is getting worse.
Here is an accompanying chart of the Gallup Economic Confidence Index:
Gallup 2-4-14 - Gallup Economic Confidence Index - Monthly Averages

The Special Note summarizes my overall thoughts about our economic situation
SPX at 1755.45 as this post is written

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