
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Trends Of U.S. Treasury Yields - November 18, 2014 Update

For references purposes, below are two charts that show the trend in interest rates for various Treasuries, including the 3-Month, 2-Year, 5-Year, 7-Year, and 10-Year.
A chart showing the interest rate trends of the last 20 years:
(click on chart to enlarge image)(chart courtesy of; chart creation and annotation by the author)
20 year chart U.S. Treasury Yields
A chart showing the interest rate trends of the last year:
(click on chart to enlarge image)(chart courtesy of; chart creation and annotation by the author)
U.S. Treasury Yields 1-year
The Special Note summarizes my overall thoughts about our economic situation
SPX at 2042.33 as this post is written

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