
Monday, December 11, 2017

2018 Estimates For S&P500 Earnings & Price Levels

In the December 11, 2017 edition of Barron’s, the cover story is titled “2018 Outlook:  The Bull Market’s Next Act.”
Included in the story, 10 investment strategists give various forecasts for 2018 including S&P500 profits, S&P500 year-end price targets, GDP growth, and 10-Year Treasury Note Yields.
A couple of excerpts:
Given synchronized global growth and rising corporate profits, 2018 could be another good year for stocks, notwithstanding the bull’s advancing age. The S&P 500 could gain about 7%, mirroring similar gains in corporate profits, according to the consensus forecast of 10 investment strategists at major U.S. investment banks and money-management firms surveyed by Barron’s each December. The group’s predictions range from 2675 to 3100, with a mean estimate of about 2840.
OUR PROGNOSTICATORS EXPECT S&P 500 earnings to climb to $145 in 2018 from an expected $131.45 this year. Most estimates assume that global growth will spur earnings gains, with an additional boost coming from U.S. tax cuts. Depending on the final tax bill, they figure that lower corporate taxes could be worth 5% to 10% of earnings growth, or anywhere from $7 to $14 a share. But in the unlikely event that no tax cuts are passed, the market could drop sharply.
Industry analysts forecast S&P earnings of $146.20 for next year, not including tax cuts. If analysts revise their estimates higher in coming months to account for the positive impact of lower taxes, stocks could get a further boost.
As seen in the article, the investment strategists expect an average 2018 GDP growth of 2.595%.
I post various economic forecasts because I believe they should be carefully monitored.  However, as those familiar with this blog are aware, I do not agree with many of the consensus estimates and much of the commentary in these forecast surveys.
The Special Note summarizes my overall thoughts about our economic situation
SPX at 2658.04 as this post is written

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