
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Real GDP Chart Since 1947 With Trendline – 1st Quarter 2023

For reference purposes, below is a chart from the Advisor Perspectives’ post of April 27, 2023 titled “Q1 GDP Advance Estimate: Real GDP at 1.1%, Slower Than Expected” reflecting Real GDP, with a trendline, as depicted.  This chart incorporates the Gross Domestic Product, First Quarter 2023 (Advance Estimate) of April 27, 2023:

Real GDP with Trendline


I post various indicators and indices because I believe they should be carefully monitored.  However, as those familiar with this site are aware, I do not necessarily agree with what they depict or imply.


The Special Note summarizes my overall thoughts about our economic situation

SPX at 4093.31 as this post is written

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