
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Food Stamps As Of May 7, 2013

This post is an update to previous posts concerning food stamps.  The program is officially called “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,” or SNAP.  As stated on the SNAP website, “As of Oct. 1, 2008, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the new name for the federal Food Stamp Program.”

The data was last updated April 5, 2013, reflecting January 2013 levels.

Here is a table showing various monthly statistics with regard to national participation and costs going back to FY2011.  As seen in this table, the number of people participating as of January 2013 is 47,772,108 up 2.85% from year-ago (January 2012) levels.  As a reference point, the figure as of June 2009 (the official end of the recession as defined by the NBER) was 34,882,031.  Longer-term annual data is also available.

As I wrote in the April 12, 2010 post, “Of course, what is particularly disconcerting is not only the extent of participation in these programs, but the fact that this is yet another notable statistic that is getting worse well after the purported end of the recession.”

The Special Note summarizes my overall thoughts about our economic situation

SPX at 1617.50 as this post is written

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