
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 7 Gallup Poll Results On Economic Confidence – Notable Excerpts

On May 7, Gallup released the poll results titled “Americans' Confidence in the Economy Ties Record High.”  The subtitle is “Upper-income Americans confidence in April is out of negative territory.”

An excerpt:
Gallup's Economic Confidence Index last week matched the five-year weekly high and included the best three-day rolling average since Gallup began Daily tracking in 2008. Economic confidence in April also tied the five-year monthly best, and upper-income Americans' monthly confidence left negative territory for the first time in five years.
Here is the accompanying chart depicting monthly economic confidence:

Gallup 5-7-13 - U.S. Economic Confidence Index - Monthly Averages


The Special Note summarizes my overall thoughts about our economic situation

SPX at 1625.96 as this post is written

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